South Peoria Baptist Church

Teach Your Kids the Bible in Just 10 Minutes a Day.

A Free Gift from South Peoria Baptist Church

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Everything you need for a daily family Bible time:

Reading Plans

Guide your family through the entire Bible together.

Interactive Resources for Each Kid

Age-appropriate Listening Guide worksheets to help kids pay attention during Bible reading.

Discussion Questions

Help kids understand, remember, and apply the Bible.

Prayer Guides and Suggested Songs

Respond to the Bible by worshipping God together.

Hands-On Activities

Weekly bonus activities to encourage active learning and long-term memory.

Why make family Bible reading a daily habit?

Cultivate God Centered Habits

Establish a rhythm of daily Bible reading that your kids will carry with them for the rest of their lives.

Teach the Bible

Put a stop to biblical illiteracy — help your kids learn the Bible with faithfulness and thoroughness.

Deepen Your Family Connection

Foster a deeper, God centered family bond by gathering for worship every day.

Love God Together

Expose your kids to the greatness of God, the wonder of the cross, and the glory of the resurrection every day.

God is going to do amazing things in your family’s life.
And he’s going to do it through his Word.